Scotty Moises brings his legendary experience and personality to your private event... from working with Wolfgang Puck at Spago's to cultivating craft cocktails for Zack's Cabin and Red Sky Ranch. Let him create a signature cocktail for your signature event.
Looking for a fresh idea for your next party? Try a Mixology Party! Perfect for intimate group gatherings, Scotty will help you customize your party. Your guest will be provided their own bartending kit to learn all the tricks of a being a great bartender! Scotty will custom design a signature cocktail for your event that
everyone can make... we even have mocktail parties! Parties last 3-4 hours and include 4 craft cocktails and recipes. Take home kits available for purchase.
With over 30 years experience in the Vail Valley customer service industry we can help you complete your event plans. From small group gatherings to large events we can expand our services to include additional servers and bartenders. We also offer set up, break down and clean up services.
Scotty Moises brings his legendary experience and personality to your private event... from working with Wolfgang Puck at Spago's to cultivating craft cocktails for Zack's Cabin and Red Sky Ranch. Let him create a signature cocktail for your signature event.
Looking for a fresh idea for your next party? Try a Mixology Party! Perfect for intimate group gatherings, Scotty will help you customize your party. Your guest will be provided their own bartending kit to learn all the tricks of a being a great bartender! Scotty will custom design a signature cocktail for your event that
everyone can make... we even have mocktail parties! Parties last 3-4 hours and include 4 craft cocktails and recipes. Take home kits available for purchase.
With over 30 years experience in the Vail Valley customer service industry we can help you complete your event plans. From small group gatherings to large events we can expand our services to include additional servers and bartenders. We also offer set up, break down and clean up services.
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Vail, CO